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- Written by: Commander Scotty
- Category: Sunday Scripture and Verses
7But as for me, I will look to the Lord ; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. 8Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.
Micah 7:7-8 ESV
- Hits: 662
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- Written by: Commander Scotty
- Category: Streaming
Well this is the first streaming announcement on this site!
Tonight at 5:30pm PDT, join me in some Mechwarrior Online shenanigans! (Assuming I can get the streaming working!)
Not sure where to go?
Fear no longer! you can find me on twitch under the name cmdrscotty or follow this handy dandy link right here -> https://www.twitch.tv/cmdrscotty
Remember! Tonight, 5:30pm PDT until whenever. Be there!!! :)
- Hits: 654
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- Written by: Super User
- Category: General
Yay Post #2!!
Anyway, Welcome to the website!
This is going to be my own personal blog, and place to post any projects or Scriptures that I would like to share.
I've been thinking of doing some sort of schedule on when things will get posted. Probably going to start off with a 3, maybe 4 posting schedule.
At the moment I'm thinking of:
Sunday: Daily Scripture, and/or Devotional
Monday: Wildcard day, anything I feel like.
Wednesday: Updates on any projects or hobbies that i've taken a fancy to
Friday, or Saturday: Gaming day! Been thinking of getting back into streaming again. Might post some highlights from games I've played/been playing.
Then again, most of this is subject to change, but for now, I'll test this out to see how well it'll work out. Stay Tuned!
- Hits: 2351
- Details
- Written by: Commander Scotty
- Category: General
Well, well, well, looky what we have here...
yes that's right! it's the blog of Commander Scotty!
Also known in some areas as cmdrscotty, cmdr_scotty or cmdr scotty.
This place is still in development, but should be up and running soon!
- Hits: 670