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- Written by: Commander Scotty
- Category: Streaming
Hey Peeps
working a good deal of overtime this weekend so no streams will happen tonight or tomorrow.
Enjoy your weekend!
- Hits: 804
- Details
- Written by: Commander Scotty
- Category: Streaming
Hey Folks, it's that time again!
Streaming day!!
Gonna be doing some streaming tonight as well as around afternoon-ish tomorrow (saturday).
We're back to MechWarrior:Online tonight!
Tomorrow you're in for a treat, my wife SwifferDuster has her own computer now and will be able to join for some battlemech shenanigans!
Tune in tonight starting at 5:30 pm PDT (8:30 pm EDT)!
Tomorrow, join me and SwifferDuster at 12:00 pm PDT (3:00pm EDT)
Update, stream has tentatively been moved to 10pm pdt tonight due to some errands I needed to get done today. Stay tuned :)
- Hits: 641
- Details
- Written by: Commander Scotty
- Category: Streaming
Hey, it's that time again!!!
Tonight at 5:30 pm PDT!!
Guess what I'll be streaming? Not Mechwarrior this time! *gasp!*
If you haven't heard, there's a new scenario that got released for Frost Punk
The Fall of Winterhome!
Come watch me try to save the remnants of Winterhome and rebuild it to a prospering colony... or fail miserably, kill everyone and get banished from the city.
- Hits: 677
- Details
- Written by: Commander Scotty
- Category: Streaming
Well this is the first streaming announcement on this site!
Tonight at 5:30pm PDT, join me in some Mechwarrior Online shenanigans! (Assuming I can get the streaming working!)
Not sure where to go?
Fear no longer! you can find me on twitch under the name cmdrscotty or follow this handy dandy link right here -> https://www.twitch.tv/cmdrscotty
Remember! Tonight, 5:30pm PDT until whenever. Be there!!! :)
- Hits: 654